The Erasmus mobility program was founded by the European Union in 1987. UB and the Department of History have taken part in this program from the beginning. Erasmus consists of many different activities; student and staff exchanges, joint development of study programs (Curriculum Development), international intensive programmes, thematic networks between departments and faculties across Europe, language courses (EILC), European credit transfer system (ECTS). The Erasmus student exchange program enables students to spend some months at a European partner department during their studies. Through the Erasmus program, the uhr-University can grant students scholarships for an internship abroad in the European Union. In turn, over 350 exchange students study at the uhr-University. Most of these are taking part in the Erasmus program. Through the Erasmus-program, lecturers and professors can spend up to six weeks teaching at a partner institute. Host universities assist Students in the Erasmus exchange program in finding accommodation and planning their studies. Students receive a monthly grant of between 200 and 400 Euros. They do not have to pay fees. A language proficiency test has to be absolved for statistical reasons, however. In general, exams at the partner institute will be accredited by the Department of History.
The Department of History holds aggreements with historical institutes of the universities following:
Links/contact Persons
Information on the Erasmus program by the International Office (in German)
Dr. Lutz Budraß
General information and advice on the Erasmus program, GA 4/50, Office hours during term Do 10-12, Tel.: 22554 -
Anna Götzelmann
Organization of the Erasmus program, GA 5/134, Tel.: 22536 -
Dr. Andrzej Michalczyk
Information on the Erasmus agreements with departments of history in Poland